If You’re Suffering From Severe Knee Joint Pain And Are Unable To Perform Everyday Tasks, MAKOpla …

Unlike traditional knee replacement, MAKOplasty uses a robotic arm and computer navigation system to place the implant precisely, resulting in more accurate results. However, it’s not for everyone.For this reason, you should discuss the options with a board-certified orthopedic surgeon Arizona with a specialty in knee replacement before undergoing the surgery.

A MAKOplasty surgery is less invasive than traditional knee replacement surgery. The surgery uses your own bone and tissue, thereby preserving a portion of your knee and allowing you to continue living a normal life. Unlike a total knee replacement, a partial knee surgery can only be performed once, and you may need to have additional surgery later on to regain full function. However, you may not require the procedure if you are able to bear weight on your leg without pain.

The robotic arm is used to guide the surgeon during the MAKOplasty procedure. This advanced robot is fitted with three-dimensional markers to guide the placement of the implants.These markers (480) 483-0393 are 8630 East Via De Ventura Suite 201 located on the outside surface of the knee and can be tracked with a computer video system. The computer can help the surgeon place the implants with accuracy, while sparing healthy tissue. With this advanced technology, MAKOplasty knee surgery is much less painful than traditional procedures, and patients often report lower pain and shorter hospital stays.

During your consultation, the orthopedic surgeon will discuss the details of your procedure, including your postoperative care and pre-operative appointments. They may ask you to have an imaging session before the surgery. Your doctor will also assess where new implants will be placed and will instruct you on how to take medications to recover effectively. Afterwards, you’ll be discharged from the hospital.There are risks and complications associated with this surgery, but a skilled orthopedic 85258 surgeon can minimize them.

Recovery time from MAKOplasty is much shorter than with other knee replacement methods. In addition to a shorter recovery period, many patients are able to walk immediately after surgery.Depending on the type of surgery performed, you may be able to return knee orthopedics to normal activities in two to four weeks. After recovery, you’ll need to take the prescribed medications and follow doctor’s orders. The benefits of MAKOplasty include faster healing time, reduced hospital stay and less scarring.

During MAKOplasty knee surgery, a four to six-inch incision is made over the knee and small incisions in the femur and tibia. The surgeon will use a robotic arm system and small satellite dishes to position the implants precisely. The surgeon will follow a pre-programmed plan, which will guide the surgery.In addition to visual and audio feedback, the robot United States of America will ensure that only the diseased area is treated. Once the implant is in place, the surgeon will manipulate the knee to ensure that the desired range of motion is achieved.

The recovery time after makoplasty knee surgery is generally less than for TKA. After surgery, patients will need to continue physical therapy for a few weeks to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. After surgery, patients should return to activities, such as walking, and playing sports. However, doctors at OrthoVirginia recommend that patients should avoid high impact activities and sports immediately after surgery because they may prematurely wear out the implant

If You're Suffering From Severe Knee Joint Pain And Are Unable To Perform Everyday Tasks, MAKOpla ...
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